I was quite flattered to be asked to re-draft the Royal College of Surgeons Guidance on implants in the NHS in 2011. This was something I felt at the time required a lot of responsibility and gave me some kudos being a trainee at Newcastle at the time. Change is inevitable-the College and Restorative Dentistry UK have redrafted re-branded the ‘guidelines’ as ‘standards’. Restorative Dentistry UK is the body which represents consultants and specialists in Restorative Dentistry.  The standards themselves are similar to previous versions in terms of headings but there has been some notable changes one of which is the inclusion of a new group of patients with mucosal disorders.

Different units are likely to develop interests with the patient cohorts they see and will allow them to be responsive to their local needs. At Kings for example, there is a big trauma and hypodontia service which is where the majority of implant provision is channeled. Other units, which may specialise or are affiliated to Oncology units, are more likely to manage post-resection oral rehabilitation. Colleagues in the north of England may take an interest in the provision of implant retained mandibular overdentures-this was likely to reflect the increased prevalence of edentulism in their locality.

The new standards are below for your perusal.


RCS Implant Standards 2019