
Key Topics in Restorative Dentistry


Dental Trauma

Acute management of dentoalveolar trauma by Tagar & Djemal

The aetiology of dentoalveolar trauma in adults can be categorised as: accidental trips and falls; sports injuries; and road traffic accidents. The energy of the impact is of great significance in terms of the extent of the damage caused. Low-velocity... Continue Reading →

Special considerations in paediatric dental trauma by Nemat et al

Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) in the paediatric population are common and frequently seen in general dental practice. The management of TDIs can be challenging and, in most cases, the General Dental Practitioner is tasked with the initial assessment and emergency... Continue Reading →

Management of acute traumatic dental injuries in the orthodontic patient by Patel et al.

Knowledge of managing traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) is imperative for all dental practitioners. With the number of adults undertaking orthodontic treatment increasing, and children and adolescents alike continually being treated for orthodontics under the NHS in the UK, it is... Continue Reading →

Present status and future directions: Endodontic management of traumatic injuries to permanent teeth by Krastl et al

The prognosis of traumatized teeth depends largely on the fate of the pulp and its treatment. This review aims to update the present status on the endodontic management of traumatic injuries to permanent teeth and to identify relevant research areas... Continue Reading →

Management of Anterior Crossbite due to Splinting for Dental Trauma: A Case Report with 4-year Follow-up by Nunez et al.

This report describes the sequelae and subsequent management of a 7-year-old boy who failed to attend follow-up visits after a dental trauma and was initially managed with an active splint. The splint was maintained for 9 months, resulting in an... Continue Reading →

European Society of Endodontology position statement: Surgical extrusion, intentional replantation and tooth autotransplantation

This European Society of Endodontology (ESE) position statement on surgical extrusion, intentional replantation and tooth autotransplantation represents the consensus of an expert committee, convened by the ESE. A narrative review (Plotino et al. 2020,international Endodontic Journal, 53, 1636–52) formed the... Continue Reading →

Acute endodontic and dental trauma provision during the COVID-19 crisis by Ayub & Alani

COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus) has had a profound impact on dentistry, with all elective treatment grinding to a halt initially and a slow phased return to normal services. The guidance available regarding treating dental emergencies is currently advice, analgesia... Continue Reading →

Endodontic management of a horizontally root fractured central incisor

Case by John Rhodes  

Decoronating ankylosed teeth by Cohenca & Stabholz 2007

Avulsed teeth that are stored extraorally in a dry environment for >60 min generally develop replacement root resorption or ankylosis following their replantation due to the absence of a vital periodontal ligament on their root surface. One negative sequelae of... Continue Reading →

An unusual healing of a replanted permanent lateral incisor by Peter Arrow 2009

A 9-year-old boy sustained an avulsion injury to his upper right lateral incisor. The tooth was replanted within 5–10 minutes of the incident and was splinted approximately 30 minutes after the injury, and then monitored for 2.25 years. The periodontal tissues... Continue Reading →

What are the aetiology and risk factors for dental trauma injuries ? A summary of a study by Ulf Glendor

Below is a summary of the main risk for dental trauma injuries as per a review by Ulf Glendor. Oral predisposing factors Patients with an overjet of over 5mm Lip incompetance Protrusive nature of incisor position Unintentional traumatic dental injuries... Continue Reading →

How do you manage a Lateral Luxation?

Lateral luxation can be a daunting injury to manage. The issue stems from the fairly strange position the tooth presents with and the relative rigidity of the tooth. This is by and large caused by the dislodgement of the tooth... Continue Reading →

Avulsions…time is precious! 

Avulsion injuries are devastating for our patients. A model patient tepeing away for years and all of a sudden bang they go from 28 pearly whites to a gappy smile that can be both physically and mentally debilitating. These injuries... Continue Reading →

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