
Key Topics in Restorative Dentistry



The new periodontal classification system, how do we make it work in practice by Iain Chapple

Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the 2017 classification system of periodontal diseases and conditions – implementation in clinical practice

The 2017 World Workshop Classification system for periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions was developed in order to accommodate advances in knowledge derived from both biological and clinical research, that have emerged since the 1999 International Classification of Periodontal Diseases.... Continue Reading →

The perio classification is about to change !

One of the biggest additions is the inclusion of peri-implant diseases. Another notable difference is better delineation between chronic and aggressive periodontitis. These represent sizeable  changes from the last classification in 1999. The classification will be officially unveiled at Europerio9... Continue Reading →

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