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Guidelines for management of sodium hypochlorite extrusion injuries by Farook et al. 2014

closeup treated human tooth in a dental filling rotten clinic.Ochistka and canals with the use of rubber dam seal system and staging

Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is the most common irrigant used in modern endodontics. It is highly effective at dissolv- ing organic debris and disinfecting the root canal system due to the high pH. Extravasation of NaOCl into intra-oral and extra-oral tissues can lead to devastating outcomes leading to long-term functional and aesthetic deficits. Currently no clear guidelines are available which has caused confusion among the dental and oral and maxillofacial (OMFS) surgical community how best to manage these patients. Following a literature review and considering our own experience we have formulated clear and precise guidelines to manage patients with NaOCl injury.

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